Home M365 : Modern Desktop Administrator Associate MD-101 MD101 – Azure Log Analytics and Microsoft Monitoring

MD101 – Azure Log Analytics and Microsoft Monitoring

Reading Time: 4 minutes

So, MD100 has been done and put to bed. The next exam for the Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate is MD101 : Managing Modern Desktops. While running thought some Mock Exams form Udemy, I got this question.

So in terms of learning and personal development, and with it being MS Ignite this week, I decided to have a look into it and setup an Azure Subscription and have a play with the deployment types form a manual install and automated install from Intune.

Deploying Microsoft Monitoring Agent – Direct to Server/PC.

docs.microsoft.com – Install Log Analytics agent on Windows computers – Azure Monitor | Microsoft Docs

Deploying Microsoft Monitoring Agent – Manual Installation.

From the Log Analytics Portal select Agent Management.

Download the Windows Agent.

Installing Microsoft Monitoring Agent – Manually

Click ‘Next’.

Click ‘I Agree’.

Choose the Installation Location and click ‘Next’.

Ensure that the option for Connect to Azure Log Analytics is checked. [X]

The Workspace ID and Primary Key can be located from the Agent download screen.

Click ‘Install’.

Installation Process takes place.

Microsoft Monitoring Agent Manual installation is Complete.

Installing Microsoft Monitoring Agent – Intune

From the Log Analytics Portal, Download the Windows Agent.
You will also want to visit the Microsoft-Win32-Content-Prep-Tool Github Page and download the App Packager for Win32Apps. This is how I have the Structure setup under C:\AutoPilot

From a Powershell Windows Launch the file with the following Command to extract the contents to C:\AutoPilot\Package.

.\MMASetup-AMD64.exe /C

Once the application extraction has completed this is what the source folders should look like.

Then from an Administrative PowerShell Window, you want to run .\IntuneWinAppUtil.exe

Win32 Application Created.

Next, we want to upload the Win32App File into Intune. From the Microsoft EndPoint Manager Portal, You want to navigate to Apps > Windows and select ‘+ Add’

Click ‘Next’

Select the ‘MMASetup-AMD64.intunewin’ File and upload to Intune

Click ‘Next’

For the Install Commands, You will want to visit the Install Log Analytics agent docs.microsoft.com article to copy the install Command, You will need your Log Workspace ID and Primary Key.


For the Uninstall Command, You can fireup RegEdit. Navigate to:


From here you can copy the UninstallString. Once complete this is what it should look like.
** NOTE ** At time of posting the Product Version was: 10.20.18053.0

Run though the final steps for the App Setup. – Requirements

Detection Rules.




Review and Create.

App Completed, Run a Sync on your AutoPilot Device and the new application should be detected and start installing. If the application is successful under the control panel you should see an option for Microsoft Monitoring Agent.

From the Agent Management Portal, You should also see


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